Create KPI widget for notion

This article will explain how to create a KPI widget and embed it in your notion page.

KPI widget embeded

Step 1: Setup your KPI widget datasource

  • click in the menu on Widgets
  • you will see all kind of widgets we support at the moment
  • click on "KPI Widget" card
KPI widget card
  • The customization page will load and you can now customize your widget
Select Notion database
  • Before you can style the KPI widget you need to select your notion database to read the values
Property Description
Select Notion database Select the database to be used in the widget. You can search for the database by simply entering the name of the database.
Select Notion column The column from which the value is to be read for the widget. The formatting of the value in the widget is configured in the values format step.

Note: The two menu items define styles and define values format are active or selectable when the database and column are selected. The widget cannot be created without this selection.

Step 2: Define value format

We read the values from the defined column from the selected Notion database. To display a number in the KPI widget, you have the option of defining the format of the number as well as how the number should be calculated.

Define value format and aggregation method

Properties that you can configure:

Property Description
Select Notion column The column from which the value is to be read for the widget.

Define how the payment should be calculated. The following settings are possible:

  • Sum
  • Count
  • Average
Data Type

Define the data type which is displayed. The follwing settings are possible:

  • Number
  • Percentage
  • Currency

When you select currency, you have the option to select the specific currency.

You can search for the name of the currency or enter the ISO Code of the currency in the search field.

Example: For US Dollar you just use USD or Candian Dollar just CAD, or Euro just EUR


Define how the number should be rounded. The following options are available:

  • Rounding (ex. 2)
  • 1 digit (ex 2.1)
  • 2 digits (ex 2.99)

Step 3: Define style of the widget

Once the value has been correctly displayed and calculated, you can now start styling your KPI widget.

The following properties you can customize:

Property Description
Title of your Widget Give your KPI widget a name
Title Style
Headline Set headline for your KPI widget
Font Color Set font color for the headline
Font Family Set font family for the headline
Font Size Set font size for the headline
Font Style Set font style for the headline
Values Styles
Font Color Set font color for the calculated value
Font Family Set font family for the calculated value
Font Size Set font size for the calculated value
Font Style Set font style for the calculated value
Widget Style
Round Style Set the rounding style of the widget. You can choice between 5 styles.
Border Size Set border stroke size. The bigger the number the thicker the stroke around the widget will be.
Background Set background color for the widget
Border Color Set border color for the widget
Padding Set padding between widget edge and displayed number.

Step 4: Create your KPI widget

Once you have customized your KPI widget, you can click on the create Widget so that the widget will be created.

succesful created widget

After successfully creating your widget, you can copy the link and add it to your page in Notion.

Note: The data is always read out live when the widget is displayed. This means that if changes are made in the database, these are immediately reflected in the widget.

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