Create chart widget with notion data
This article will explain how to create a chart with data from your notion account.

To create a chart you must have your notion account linked to our notion-widgets app. To connect your notion account you have to go to the settings page: settings page
Step 1: Select your database
Since the chart is based on databases from Notion. You must first select which data should be displayed in your chart. In the selection list, you will find all the given databases. Choose one...

If you change data in your database, you can update it at any time. For this, you only have to click on the Sync button next to the database selector. To be sure that you have selected the correct database, you can always click on the link button (next to the sync button) and the database will be displayed in a new window.
Step 2: Configure your chart
In the next step, you can configure your chart, i.e. which data should be displayed in which chart type.

There are two settings areas: chart settings and value settings. In chart settings basic chart settings are defined. Depending on the chart types, the setting will be different. Currently we support only two chart types (it's more to come in the future).
Here is the list of settings for Pie Chart:
Setting | Description |
Chart title | Name of the chart |
Select y-axis value | What numbers should be displayed in the pie chart? |
Select x-axis value | What database column should be used to group the data in the pie chart? |
Show labels | check - show labels in the pie chart uncheck - Don't show labels in the pie chart |
Show legends | check - show group name in the legend uncheck - Don't show the legend |
Value Settings
Settings | Description |
Aggregation | Select the method to aggregate the numbers of y-axis. The following options are possible: Sum - sum all number of the group count - count all entries of the group average - an average of numbers of the group |
Data type | Select the formateformat to display the data in the chart. The following options are possible: number, percentage, US Dollar |
Step 3: Create Widget
After you have made all the settings and you agree with the presentation, you can create your chart widget and add it to your Notion.
For more extensive charts (more than 500 database rows) we recommend that you use Data Jumbo. If you want to use Data Jumbo, please contact us and we will give you a 20% discount.