How to find my widgets or apps

We will soon release a new version with a better look and feel. This will make using our app much easier. Stay tuned!

Step 1: Log in or sign up to notion widget app

To see the widgets you have created, you must first log in to the app. You can tell if you are logged in by the "sign out" in the menu. If it says "Sign with Google", then you can log in first, or if you have never logged in to the app, you are welcome to create a new account.

Menu bar when you log in the app

Step 2: Show all my widgets and apps

As you can see in the screenshot above, there is a menu item "account". When you click on this menu item you will see this screen:

Content of the page account

Here you can see all your widgets listed. You can delete widgets or copy the link of the widgets into your clipboard to paste in your notion. To create new widgets or apps you have to click on the logo of "notion widget". There you can create new widgets.

Currently, it is not possible to customize existing created widgets. It must always be done via a new creation. We will soon release the new version which will solve this problem.

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